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Regiment Name: 55e Régiment d’Infanterie de Ligne
Preferred class: Infantry
Estimated Attendance: 10+
Once or weekly: Weekly
Contact Steam / Discord: wurstinw / https://steamcommunity.com/id/wurstinw/
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes
Regiment Name: Feld Artillerie Regiment Prinz August von Preußen Nr.1 (AR_Nr1)
Preferred class: Kav + Inf
Estimated Attendance: 20 + ( maby 20 more )
Once or weekly: for the first and second event. Then we'll see, but we want to come weekly.
Contact Steam / Discord: Contact Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197984993202/
Read the Rules and Accept them? : Of course
Regiment Name: La Vieille Garde
Preferred class: 2 Inf + 1 cav
Estimated Attendance: 40-60
Once or weekly: once for now
Contact Steam / Discord: [BRE] Louen Leoncoeur
Read the Rules and Accept them?: yes
There isn‘t a cav spot available rnRegiment Name: Hungarian line infantry [HLI]
Preferred class: Cavalry
Estimated Attendance: 10
Once or weekly: once for now
Contact Steam / Discord: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198036905465/ https://steamcommunity.com/id/marththegryphonhearted/
Read the Rules and Accept them?: yes
yes that will be good too lineNincs elérhető cav spot rn
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